Thursday, March 13, 2014

Into the Unknown Podcast Episode 5 - Hearthstone, Diablo 3, and Bitcoin (why???)

Hey everyone!

Episode 5 of Into the Unknown has arrived! This episode was recorded two weeks ago with myself, Arithien, and Indy. In it we discuss Hearthstone mainly, but first Indy takes us on a short trip into some Diablo 3 information, then we try to start the Hearthstone segment and it gets sidetracked until about 18 minutes in, that's about when we actually start on Hearthstone lol.

Indy also mentions Indy's Guide to Maximizing Your Game Time by Shitting Efficiently at the beginning of the episode and about 48 minutes in is a lovely story about an ex-member named Korsyn, and Sera actually talking (with her voice) in VoIP -- yeah, crazy right?

I hope you all enjoy this episode and the Hearthstone discussion as well as all the shenanigans that come along w/ each episode!

- Haeze

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Into the Unknown Podcast Episode 4 - Fillur Fills Us In On Infinite Crisis

Hey everyone!

Into the Unknown Episode 4 has arrived! This one was recorded a couple weeks ago with myself, Fillur, and Indy. In it we discuss the difference between MMOs and the surge of new games like Infinite Crisis and Hearthstone that are making their way to the front of people's play time.

Fillur also gives us a great run down of Infinite Crisis and some insight into how open Turbine is with listening to new ideas.

I discuss some of the strengths I see in Eve Online compared to other MMOs and how I envision my perfect fantasy MMO.

I hope you all enjoy this episode~

- Haeze